Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Cookie Fundamentals

Cookie Sheets: 
      Best cookie sheets are ones with little or no sides.  They allow the heat from the oven to circulate easily during baking. Heavy-guage aluminum & light in color are best.  Thin ones “buckle” & dark ones absorb too much heat. Nonstick sheets are not for the all purpose cookie baking. They cause the cookies to “spread” too much.  
      Successful cookie baking is the careful measuring of all ingredients. Level your dry ingredients. Measure wet ingredients on flat surfaces. 
      Ingredients should be at or near room temperature before baking, (unless your recipe calls differently). It helps create a well blended batter/dough. Butter should be slightly firm; give gently to pressure. Eggs should be removed 20-30 minutes before baking. 
Testing for Doneness: 
      Drop cookies - The surface will be lightly brown & a slight imprint will remain after touching. Hand-Formed Cookies - Edges will be lightly browned. 
      Cutout Cookies - Edges will be firm & bottoms lightly browned. 
      Refrigerator Cookies - Edges will be firm & bottoms lightly browned. 
      Fudge-Like Bar Cookies - Surface will appear "dull" and a slight imprint will remain after touching.  Cookie-Like Bar Cookies - Toothpick inserted into center comes out clean & dry.

      Always allow baked cookies to sit on sheet for 1-2 minutes, then transfer to cooling rack.

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